Pet Hospice Services

Few things are harder in pet ownership than navigating the end-of-life process with your pet. Our hospice services center around ensuring that your pet and yourself feel fully supported throughout this difficult time.

Our Philosophy

At Healing Touch we embrace the philosophy that every pet deserves dignity, respect, and a peaceful transition. We believe in honoring the special bond you share with your furry companion, recognizing that they are more than just pets—they are cherished members of your family. During this time of transition, we are here to provide a warm and compassionate support system that strives to empower you to make informed decisions and ensure your pet’s final chapter contains as much comfort and ease as possible.

How We Can Help

Our pet hospice service encompasses a comprehensive range of Eastern and Western treatments and therapies designed to alleviate discomfort, manage disease symtoms, and promote emotional well-being. Our compassionate veterinarian and dedicated staff work closely with you to develop a customized care plan that aligns with your pet’s specific needs, ensuring their comfort and maximizing their overall quality of life.

Additionally, throughout your pet’s hospice journey, we provide a supportive network that includes educational resources, emotional support, and bereavement care. We believe in fostering open communication and encourage you to ask questions, voice concerns, and share your pet’s unique story. Our commitment extends beyond the physical needs of your pet. We prioritize being able to help you and your family process difficult emotions as we understand that the end-of-life journey and the loss of a beloved companion can be profoundly challenging.

What does it cost?

Our initial in-home hospice consultation costs $175. Beyond that the costs associated with our hospice services depend upon your individual pet and treatment goals. We do offer discounts for in-home visits, services, and bloodwork for our hospice patients.

How do I get Started?

To get started click the “Request An Appointment” below and a member of our staff will reach out within 24 hours.